Week 2: Follow the Light

Welcome back! I hope you have been able to work through your lessons and spend some time in God’s presence. He wants to do amazing things in your life. How do I know that? Because He intends to show Himself to the world through His people. And if you’ve put your faith in Jesus and made that commitment to follow Him, you’re one of them!

I guess I spoke too soon last week when I told you the first video would be longer than the others. I have felt compelled to share some testimony in each of the videos so far which adds to the length. I pray that hearing my story and seeing these principles lived out in my life will encourage you on your own journey. Let’s get started!

Click here to print the prepared note sheet for this video.

Watch the Video

Week 2 Assignment

Complete days 4-5 of Week One in your workbook. Invite Him to speak to you personally as you study and ask Him to use His Word to light your path.

Additional Suggestion:

Ask God to reveal any specific areas where you are struggling to surrender and follow. What are you holding back from Him? As He sheds His light on your need, ask Him to empower you to trust Him there.

4 replies
  1. David Vest
    David Vest says:

    This lesson was very good. You make complex concepts easy to understand. You answer questions I have wondered about for years. I believe God led me to your ministry. A pastor in Sparks Nevada opened the door and now you are taking me to the place I need to be. God bless you!

    • Kelley Latta
      Kelley Latta says:

      I’m so glad God is giving you new understanding of His Word. He longs for His people to know Him in sweet fellowship and trust Him to lead us into His best. I pray that you continue to move toward His best for you!

  2. Mary T
    Mary T says:

    Kelley, got off to a slow start last week. My daughter was away for work and I took care of my grandsons. Caught up now. This video had a profound effect on me. I find that I “assume” that God is leading me or opening a door, without always asking or when I am praying …not always listening and waiting for His answer! I am going to try to turn to Him first even when it is hard! I have faith that Jesus, through our Advocate, our Counselor will lead me to follow Him!

    • Kelley Latta
      Kelley Latta says:

      You’re not alone Mary! Most of us live making a lot of assumptions about God and what He’s doing. Thank goodness His mercy is new every day! I’m praying for you as you dedicate yourself to seeking Him first. That’s all He wants… for us to draw near, listen and trust. Relationship, plain and simple. Blessings!


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