• word on wednesday

Creation Knows Its King—Do You?

In the beginning, all of creation moved in agreement with God’s words. No created thing denied Him obedience. Until sin. Now, the only created thing on earth that hesitates to respond to the Word of God is the deceived human heart. Do you know your King?

Do You Know What Drives You?

There’s no getting around it. Scripture calls us to work—giving it all we’ve got. But, God’s far less interested in the work itself than the motivation behind it.

The Other Prodigal

Any time we try to satisfy our needs and desires apart from our heavenly Father, we’ll come up lacking. Empty. Starving. Yet, like the prodigal son, we keep trying. And we're missing out—big time.

Feed My Lambs

Three times in John 21, Jesus connected loving Him with caring for His sheep—particularly with feeding them. And God’s Word says what results when sheep aren’t properly fed. We become weak. Sick. Injured. Strayed. Lost. Scattered. Devoured. I don't want that famine—I would much rather have the feast of following Jesus. Wouldn't you?

Do Your Words Carry God’s Power?

1 Samuel 3:19 says that God let none of Samuel's words fall to the ground. Wow! Most of us are careless with our words. We let accusations fly without thought. We put others down and call it humor. We’re often quick to say things we don’t mean. But that’s the difference between most of us and Samuel, dear one. His words weren’t careless. Samuel’s words echoed those flowing from the mouth of God Himself, and that brought about some amazing results.

Releasing the River

Righteousness will go before Him and make His footsteps a way.…

The Word of God became Flesh

What’s your favorite part of the Christmas story, dear one? Is it Mary’s response to a visiting angel? Or perhaps the terrified shepherds tending their flock who found themselves engulfed in glory? I love the image of Magi from the east bowing to present costly gifts to a toddler King. If you let them, the details surrounding Jesus’ birth inspire awe and wonder.

Daring to Hope

I love Christmas. It’s always been my very favorite time of year. Don’t get me wrong. If we’re talking about weather, summer wins. No question. Warm breezes, cookouts, and sunshine beat the gray winter doldrums any day. But Christmas to me was never about the weather. It was about the feeling.

Have You Opened Your Gifts From Jesus?

For many of us, routine has replaced much of the marvel of the holidays. And let’s be honest; the work often overshadows the wonder! Many have even lost the thrill of surprise on Christmas morning, having purchased and wrapped the gifts bearing their name beneath the tree with their own hands. And Jesus, the One whom we gather to celebrate, is almost forgotten, worked into our festivities with brief mentions and a visit to church on Christmas Eve. Perhaps we have been missing something. Let’s invite the wonder of Christmas to return! Gifts bearing your name await your attention under the tree.

Where is God? He’s Waiting.

He didn’t create us to be slaves or puppets to serve Him. He didn’t need us. He desired to create living beings into whom He could pour His love. He created us to enjoy Him, and so He could enjoy us. He made us to share life with Him, allowing us the privilege of drawing on all that He is. But it only works when we come close.

The Power of Giving Thanks

Life isn’t always kind, and when we find ourselves struggling over circumstances we wouldn’t choose, we don’t naturally feel grateful. In fact, we tend to get angry. Even bitter. Yet Scripture suggests that God desires for us to give thanks in all circumstances. Every one. That includes the good and the bad.

What if God Gave Us Everything We Ask For?

We like having our way. We think we know what’s best, and we’d like God to cooperate by fulfilling our desires. After all, scripture teaches that ours is a God of grace. So when He withholds something we think we want, we tend to get a little angry. It doesn’t seem fair. But what if God’s “no” actually flows from His mercy?

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