Daring to Hope
I love Christmas. It’s always been my very favorite time of year.
Don’t get me wrong. If we’re talking about weather, summer wins. No question. Warm breezes, cookouts, and sunshine beat the gray winter doldrums any day.
But Christmas to me was never about the weather. It was about the feeling.
Grateful for Fellowship
We need each other. As much as we may like to think we can handle things ourselves, scripture teaches that we need one another. God Himself declared His thoughts on the matter in Genesis 2:18 after forming Adam from the earth’s dust.
The Narrow Way to Victory
I wonder if you can sense the magnitude of what’s happening in our days. This turmoil isn’t just about our nation. The atmosphere itself expresses the increasing spiritual tension building in the heavenlies. Good versus evil. Life opposing death. Love rising to conquer fear.
Living in Denial
Self-denial isn’t something we really like to talk about. Our enemy has convinced us to fear it, so we naturally resist it. But he has a reason for influencing us toward self-preservation. If we do not diligently—purposefully—resolve to deny our flesh, we will end up denying Christ.
Breaking the Power of the Law
I wonder if you’ve noticed that the harder you try not to do something, the more you want to. Anyone who’s ever tried to diet knows what I’m talking about. The more we tell our flesh it can’t have something, the stronger its insistence that we need it.
Don’t be Fooled by False Evidence
And he identified it and said, “It is my son's robe. A fierce animal has…
Empowered Through Connection
…holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished…
The Dangers of Blind Faith
For many, God’s love remains a theory. We’ve heard about it. We quote Scriptures about it. We may even try to will ourselves to believe in it. But John invites us to move beyond blind faith in God’s love. He challenges us to see it.